API: stdClass Object ( [name] => New Page In Section Links [slug] => new-page-w-parent-links [version] => 0.1 [author] => Theo Ephraim [author_profile] => http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/profile/theozero [contributors] => Array ( [Theo Ephraim] => ) [requires] => 2.7.0 [tested] => 2.7.1 [compatibility] => Array ( [3.2.1] => Array ( [0.1] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [2] => 0 ) ) ) [rating] => 100 [num_ratings] => 1 [downloaded] => 332 [last_updated] => 2010-12-15 [added] => 2010-12-15 [homepage] => http://www.theoephraim.com/ [sections] => Array ( [description] => With this plugin you can create a link to post-new.php (the place to create a new page) that includes the desired parent_id of the new page. This allows you to create links in the front end of the website like "Add a new page to this section" or "Create a new sub-page". This is extremely useful when developing custom themes to add useful backend links on the front end of the site for users who have editing access. For using wordpress as a CMS, you really want to let the user avoid going through the clunky manage pages interface... Features This should be a feature of wordpress I can't believe this isn't built into wordpress This has to rely on javascript because there's no suitable hook to do it another way Did I mention this should be built into wordpress? Feedback Doubt you'll have any, but if you do, you can go to my website (http://theoephraim.com) I was thinking about making some functions to actually spit out the links, but since were talking about developing custom themes, you may as well just hardcode it. [installation] => Very straightforward. Download, copy into plugins folder, activate. In your theme, create a link like this: Add a page to this section [changelog] => 1.0 Initial release. [other_notes] => License Copyright (C) 2010 by Theo Ephraim You may use, redistribute and/or modify this programm under the terms of the GNU General Public License by the Free Software Foundation. The programm is distributed as free software without any warranty. ) [download_link] => http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/new-page-w-parent-links.zip [tags] => Array ( [cms] => cms [id] => id [new] => new [page] => page [pages] => pages [parent] => parent [post-newphp] => post-new.php [section] => section ) )